
GLF Connect Alumni - Ongoing Learning

Amanda Pulford

GLF Alumni Wisdom Tribe

Amanda Pulford

wisdom: ability to discern inner qualities and relationships; a wise attitude, belief or course of action; the teachings of the ancient wise ones

tribe: a group of persons having a common character, occupation, or interest; a natural group

Have you been looking for your alumni ‘Wisdom Tribe’? Do you want a safe space to connect with other GLF Alumni to talk about the things we don’t usually talk about, but that impact us? Are you looking for a place to be, to learn, to support, to be supported, and to be validated? What would it feel like to share and connect with others in leadership, in a small intimate group that meets monthly, creating space and time to come together for each other's mutual growth?

What we are wanting to create is:

  • a small intimate cohort of GLF Alumni
  • who meet once a month
  • who journey together for 6 months and
  • who get to co-create a safe and confidential space for sharing and wisdom.

At our first ‘GLF Alumni Wisdom Tribe’ gathering we will agree on what we want to co-create, and we will agree on shared goals and outcomes, understanding that this will be an evolving and emerging space.

Facilitated by Amanda Pulford, a Clinical Psychologist who holds a Bachelor of Psychology Honours degree (First Class) and a Master of Clinical Psychology. Her work is underpinned by Integral Theory and STAGES Levels of Development as they relate to the individual, and the individual as a leader. Amanda co-facilitates with John Wood on other GLF Connect learning activities including - Going deeper into shadow work and Going deeper into perspective taking.

This 6 month program will now kick off in 2024. Places are limited, please register your interest your interest below.

When: tbc 2024
Time: 3:00 - 6:00pm
Where: 21 Bath Street, Glenelg South
Cost: $2,300 + GST (6 x 3 hour sessions)